Bangkok Guide to picking up Thai Bi-Girls with your Thai Bi-Girlfriend

Bangkok Guide to picking up Thai Bi-Girls with your Thai Bi-Girlfriend

I have read with interest and amusement some of recent posts on Big Mango blog about the difficulties in arranging a threesome each week with your bi girlfriend.

I can REALLY relate to this.

In past 9 months I’ve had two bi girlfriends, one 19yr old Uni student and another hottie from the islands. So – how do you arrange threesomes on a regular basis with your Thai bi girlfriend. For what it is worth, these have been my experiences:

– Their friends. Most truly bi girls have truly bi friends. After a while, once she is comfortable, she’ll be happy to invite them along. This is what I mostly did with my Uni girlfriend – a lovely procession of 19-20 year old bi Uni students…..while my current bi girlfriend has 4-5 friends from her home that she wants me to still meet. This is by far the best way to land that dream threesome where everything (and I mean everything) is going on. But….your girlfriend has to be really secure in her relationship before she will approach her friends – she is worried that (a) they might try to make a move on you (still not sure if they are more upset about losing a friend or losing you in this situation!) (b) they will have a poor experience which reflects badly on them (yes – they are thinking about ‘face’ even in this situation)

- Go-gos and freelancer clubs/bars (Nana, Cowboy, CM2, Qbar..) You can easily find a girl (this is Bangkok after all), but the chances are she is just going through the motions, and is not really into other girls. The other night my girlfriend and I watched the lesbian show at Suzie Wongs. We bar-fined one of the hottest girls from the show, who we had just seen sticking her tongue and fingers up another girls ass, took her back, had a good night of fun….BUT it was obvious to both of us that she was purely ‘professional’ and later she actually confided that she ‘really does not like girls very much’….!! You need to get to know the mama-sans and club owners to point you towards girls they know are really into other girls. I know a few in both Nana and Cowboy…..including a very lovely girl from Shark bar in Cowboy. And don’t be fooled by two girls making out on the dance floor of Qbar or CM2 – they are more than likely just straight good friends who know how to get guys attention. Taking bar girls does burn up the cash pretty fast too.

- Night clubs. Had luck one night at Bed Supperclub with my girl doing dirty-dancing that led on to a great night…but this is unusual in the regular hours clubs I think. Most ‘non-working’ girls would freak out to have your girl friend try to hit on them at a regular hours club. HOWEVER, it is a different story with the late night clubs (Tunnel, Boss, Spicey) where I think you have the BEST chance of picking up another girl willing to give a threesome a try…..this has happened to me on a couple of occasions lately. These clubs are full of a mix of freelancers, gogo and hostess girls partying after work and non-working girls trying out the really edgy scene in Bangkok. If your girl gives them the eye, starts talking to them, dancing with them, it can usually lead on to a very good night. The problem is that these encounters usually happen at about 4am, pretty much wiping out the next day, which can be rough for those of us with regular hour jobs!

I have not had any real success with other places – such as mens clubs, massage parlors, street encounters, although once my Uni girlfriend and I did pick up a girl who was the waitress at the restaurant where we had dinner who was flirting with us both all evening…

Thailand has a very strange attitude towards attractive bi-sexual women.

It seems you should fall into certain ‘categories’, and if you don’t they not only don’t know what to make of you, but don’t even seem to have a word in Thai to describe what you are. I have failed to really find the right Thai word for a bi-sexual girl who is pretty and who likes other pretty girls. Because in Thailand you should be one of the following:

- Straight (girl or boy)

- Lady-boy (pre or post-op)

- Gay (man who likes man)

- Lesbian (Tom or Dee. Tom being butch, Dee being feminine and pretty)

If you don’t fall into one of these groups, most Thais treat you like you are wierd. I know quite a few bi girls whi hate Toms but love other cute girls, and they will only reveal this fact once they learn that it will not cause you to break up with them, because they are so worried that it will make you think they are strange (Hah! If only they knew the truth – it is what I actually look for in a girl before I am interested! The irony!).

Most people in Thailand assume that if they meet a pretty girl who likes other girls, then she must be a Dee, and therefore she would only like Toms (who are nmostly pretty nasty looking butch Thai girls). The lesbian clubs in Bangkok (such as Zeta in RCA and Shela in LangSuan) cater to the Tom and Dee crowd. If a good looking girl or group of girls goes into these places, they are constantly approached by butch looking Toms all evening. Ruins it for them if they just happen to be girls who like other pretty girls. And if they also confess to still liking men as well —- well that is just too plain confusing for most Thais to deal with! I know a few great looking girls who just refuse to go to these places anymore as they don’t fit the Thai stereotype – they are good looking bi-sexual girls who only want to party with other guys and good looking girls.

I also have the problem that Thai bi girls usually really really really want to have sex with foreign girls…..and they seem to pick on types that are not attractive to me and are not attracted to me. They go for ‘larger’ farang girls with very pale skin and light hair (everything different from Thai) which is not my type at all…..and these farang girls in Thailand may be interested in having a session with a great looking Thai girl, but not if the older farang boyfriend is part of the scene! Sidenote – I have had several really funny experiences watching my bi Thai girls hit on farang girls in clubs in Bangkok… first the farang girls don’t really know what to make of it….I can tell they have never thought to do this back in farangland….but after a while, they usually go for it….seems the charms of Thai girls are difficult to resist for anyone – even usually straight farang women!

Just seems to me that there is a huge gap in the night entertainment scene in Bangkok for a club that caters to guys with cute girls who like other pretty girls – farang or not.


  1. I like your blog. I'm in similar predicament. Younger pretty gf who wants to try sex with a woman but not a professional. Seeking a farang in Bangkok and seems to prefer your stereotype of what they seek in farang girls. Can't find any apps or pages online to help me find her a bi woman willing to have sex to experiment with her and me in the picture also.
    Any suggestions would be helpful haha

  2. Im finding bi girls here ... im a lesbian from Philippines.pls contact me.if u r interested ... thanks😉



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