How to tell if your Thai girl friend is cheating you

Think your Thai girl may be cheating?

Trust can be a hard thing to achieve when it comes to long distance relationships.  Even harder when you’re involved with a Thai girl.  No doubt by now you’ve heard stories or read about Thai girls cheating and how they will often have several boyfriends or “sponsors” on the go at any given time.  The circumstances surrounding how and where you met may even add to your anxiety?  But your girl is different, isn’t she?  A lot of this is just common sense.  If something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.  Trust your instincts.  However, there are a few signs to look out for to help you make up your own mind

How to tell if your Thai girl is cheating.  A guide for “newbies”

How did you meet?
An easy starting point.  Think about where you met your Thai girl.  Was it in a bar?  Was she throwing herself at you and other farang?  Is she still working there?  Did she go home with you?  Now be totally honest with yourself.  Obviously you’re a “handsooom maaaaan”.  But are you really so special?  If you met under such circumstances, is there really anything to stop her doing the same thing every night of the week with another farang?
Maybe you met through an online dating site?  Were you communicating with other Thai girls, keeping your options open?  Well there’s a chance she is doing the exact the same thing.  If you have been to visit, what’s to say she hasn’t met, or is meeting up with other “options” when you’re not around?
Money vs Lifestyle
What type of job does your girl have?  Lets say for example she works in a bar, restaurant, hotel or the service industry.  Her salary is going to be “modest” to say the least.  Maybe 6000-7000thb per month? Add another thousand baht or two to that total for tips.  Lets say that this is her “legit” monthly salary and leave it at that for now.
Now lets take the amount she earns and compare that to her daily lifestyle.  Does she have the latest laptop or smartphone, which most Thai girls seem to have these days?  A decent smartphone alone will cost what, 15,000thb?  Plus whatever credit she puts on it.  Are her hands and arms dripping with gold jewellery?  Maybe she owns her own motorcycle?  How does she afford these things without some kind of help or support?  Could these things be gifts from other visiting farang?  Where does she live, alone or share with friends?  Her room rental alone would wipe out her entire monthly salary unless she is sharing. 
If you have been with your Thai girl a while and are supporting her financially, maybe these things can be explained.  But are you sending enough?  If you’ve just met and your girl’s expenditure is far more than what she “legitimately” earns, then you have to ask yourself where the money is coming from?  The simple fact of the matter is this.  If you met your girl in a certain way, and in certain area’s of Thailand (Pattaya girls anyone?), then there is a good chance that she will have several ”sponsors” each sending money every month.  Lets say she has two or three guy’s each sending her 10k thb per month.  Add that to what legit salary she earns, plus maybe a little “freelance” money on the side.  That soon add’s up to quite a nice montly amount for anyone to live on in Thailand.
In her room
If you are a regular visitor to LOS, or have a trip coming up, there are some giveaways which you can look out for inside your Thai girls room.  The obvious one is photographs of her with other guys.  This will often be explained as an ex-boyfriend, or maybe she’ll say it’s the boyfriend of one of girls she shares her room with. 
Other things to look out for are Western Union, or money transfer receipts.  If other guys are sending money to your Thai girl every month, then there will usually be some paperwork left lying around somewhere.  Foreign dictionaries/phrase books.  Sometimes several books in different languages are another good sign that she is communicating with other guys.  If she is living in a major tourist area then she will be meeting guys from all over the world.  Most common books will be English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.  There may also be note books left lying around with “rehearsed” loving or sweet sentences written out in Thai with the English translation. 
Multiple telephones.  Does your girl carry two or more mobile phones around with her?  Maybe totally innocent.  But it is also common for girls to use several phone numbers for different boyfriends.  Is it difficult to contact her?  Does she sometimes go missing for days without any reasonable explanation?  Can it sometimes take her days before she will return a call?  Try calling her at different times of day and night (when she may be out on the town) rather than sticking to a particular call pattern.
Have you met any of your girls close friends?  What “type” of girl does she mix with?  If your girl is sharing a room with Thai bar girls then they will know all the tricks in the book, and will share experiences and excuses.  Money and jealousy is a huge motivator for Thai bar girls.  If her friends have a lot of money and are buying nice things, your girl will want the same.  Often they will do whatever it takes to keep up with their friends in order that they do not “lose face”.
Social Networking
As with most people these days, your Thai girl will almost certainly have a facebook account.  She may even have several under different names? Maybe she’ll use other social networking sites such as Hi5 which is popular in Thailand?  Just take a look at her friends list.  Is it full of farang guys and not many girls?  Are there often “romantic” or tell-tale comments posted on her wall? 
I know quite a few people where facebook has lead to “issues” with their relationship.
As I said above, most of these things may be just common sense.  Some can easily be explained and will be totally innocent.  However, to most people, a combination of these things will make it totally obvious that something is going on. 
Another thing to think about is this.  Do you have suspisions that your Thai girl may be cheating, but find yourself “justifying”, or dismissing those doubts simply because it’s easier than facing the truth?  People say love is blind, but so much so that you can’t see something which is totally obvious to others?
This post may seem like it’s aimed at a specific “type” of Thai girl. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that it’s only this “type” of Thai girl who will cheat.  But I think it’s a fair assumption to make that the majority of guys, or at least a large proportion of them, will have met their girl in a certain place.
That leaves the question of what to do, if and when you find out your girl is cheating?  Well that’s something that only you can decide for yourself.

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